We are grateful for what God has done through GCM in India for last many years
Our hearts are full of gratitude for you who pray steadfastly for us and supported faithfully! The Lord has helped us. Despite all the loss and hardships, our ministry is running and developing. God has blessed us in the work of the Kingdom.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
His Blessings
Babu and Mercy Samuel
2Corinthians 5:20
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’sbehalf: Be reconciled to God”
Grace Christian Church – Conference
We had our Church conference from April4th to 7th 2024. It was a great blessing! Hundreds heard the Gospel in our evening public conventions.
On April 5th we had our Christian women fellowship meeting in the morning Sessionand we had our Christian Youth fellowship meeting in the afternoon session.
On April 6th we had our Graduation ceremony and 34 students graduated. Our Conference concluded onSunday with our worship Service. All believers from our all churches of Kerala and was a time ofblessing. Six people were baptized on Sunday morning.
Ministries We’re Accomplishing
* A Journey to extend Gods Kingdom
* Church Planting and House Churches
*Literature Distribution and helping people to reach Gospel
* Women’s Empowerment work
* Impact on youth through youth Meetings.
*Impact on Children through Sunday school and extending help in their school Education.
*Welfare work among poor and marginalized /orphans and making them identify the Gospel of God.
* Bible Training College and centers through which young people were trained and equipped for Evangelization of our unreached villages.
“For the Lord is good; His Mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting.
His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.”(Psalm 100:5)
Grace Christian Ministry is going forward in its program of preaching Gospel and spreading the Love of Jesus Christ in India through all possible means.
GCM promotes and preaches the Gospel to the people in Kerala, Bihar, Odisha and West Bengal through benevolent helps, church planting, orphanage and Bible training College/institutions and supporting local pastors. Since the establishment of this ministry, GCM has been blessed to establish 6 churches in West Bengal, 3 churches in Bihar, 17 churches in Odisha and 21 churches in Kerala. Thousands of people have heard gospel through this mission. Our goal is to establish 100 Churches by 2030 in the remote villages of India where there are no churches.
In addition to church planting, GCM also has a Bible College where students are allowed to attend tuition free. There are Bible training centres where people are able to learn theology and to simply study the Bible. Grace Christian College is the answer to long prayers to meet the growing demands for trained preachers and teachers for this ministry. Grace Christian College was created to prepare Christian workers to help spread New Testament Christianity throughout India.
We have a growing children’s ministry (Sunday school and help poor children in their education) and women’s ministry, as well as outreach ministries which include tract distribution, hospital visitation and conventions.
We Here with extent our love and thanks to all our friends and supporters for your valuable prayers and faithful and continuous support. What we have achieved so far for the kingdom of God is all because of your love, prayers and support. We humbly seek your wholehearted support to reach the unreached with the LOVE of our lord Jesus Christ. God continues changing lives of many through Grace Christian Ministry and we seek your prayers
Babu and Mercy Samuel
GRACE CHRISTIAN CHURCH – General Convention April 2023
After few years of gap due to Covid, we are blessed to have our 19th General convention (2023 April 6th to 9th Sunday.) More than 500 people attended the conference each day. We also had pastors meeting during day time, Children and youth meeting (Christian Youth Fellowship) and woman’s meeting (Christian women Fellowship).
The convention includes sessions for youth/children and for women.
The Pastors of Grace Christian Ministry
There were baptisms at the Convention!
Pastor Sunil Thomas released a New Music Album!
We honored two of our pastors for their many years of service.
Grace Christian Bible college programs were being offered online due to Covid for last 3 years. We are praying and planning to start our Bible College at our rented campus in the first week of May 2023.
We offer one year training to young men and women in their own regional language and sending them to their own particular village to start ministry and eventualy establish a church. Since they belong to that particular village, they may face fewer problems and have more access to the people of their own community. They need prayers and support.
Pastor Aju Naik, a graduate of our college is in charge of the Odisha Ministry. They gather in houses as a small group. Pastor Karukumar and Family and Pastor Sasikant and family are leaders of the Bihar Ministry.
God continues changing lives of many through Grace Christian Ministry and we seek your prayers
Pray for:-
Pray for:- Grace Christian Church Ministry in Kerala
Pray for:- Grace Christian Church Ministry -In Odisha, Bihar , West Bengal
Pray for:- Protection during Evangelism activities
Pray for:- Fund for land and Church Building – $15,000.00 for land and church Building
Pray for:- Grace Christian Bible College – Teachers and students ,$ 25 for one student
Pray for:- Training Centers
Pray for:- Fund for the Bible college Building
Pray for:- a vehicle (van) for the Mission.
Here are the few ways that you can partner with Grace Christian Ministry
*Continious prayers
*Give One time Gift for vehicle/Church and Bible college/orphanage building.
*Give Consistently with any amount to support pastors/ Bible students/poor/orphan children
*Give an exra Gift – You may be helping us faithfuly and we are grateful for the same. As you lead by our God, give us an extra gift.
“For the Lord is good; His Mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting.
His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.”(Psalm 100:5)
Grace Christian Ministry, in the midst of different problems, is going forward in its program of preaching Gospel and spreading the Love of Jesus Christ through all possible medias. We have resumed our church programs and all our churches opened in Kerala and other state.
Grace Christian Ministry (GCM) is a Christ centered mission in Pathanapuram, Kerala, India. It was founded in 1999. GCM promotes and preach Gospel to the people in Kerala, Bihar, Odisha and West Bengal through benevolent helps, church planting, orphanage and Bible training College/institutions and supporting local pastors.
Since the establishment of this ministry, GCM has been blessed to establish 6 churches in West Bengal, 3 churches in Bihar, 17 churches in Odisha and 21 churches in Kerala. Thousands of people have heard gospel through this mission. Our goal is to establish 100 Churches by 2025 in the remote villages of India where there are no churches.
In addition to church planting, GCM also has a Bible College where students are allowed to attend tuition free. There are Bible training centers where people are able to learn theology and to simply study the Bible.
Grace Christian College is the answer to long prayers to meet the growing demands for trained preachers and teachers for this ministry. Grace Christian College was created to prepare Christian workers to help spread New Testament Christianity throughout India.
We have a growing children’s ministry (Sunday school and help poor children in their education) and women’s ministry, as well as outreach ministries which include tract distribution, hospital visitation and conventions.
We Here with extent our love and thanks to all our friends and supporters for your valuable prayers and faithful and continuous support. What we have achieved so far for the kingdom of God is all because of your love, prayers and support. We humbly seek your wholehearted support to reach the unreached with the LOVE of our lord Jesus Christ.
God continues changing lives of many through Grace Christian Ministry and we seek your prayers
Pray for:- Grace Christian Church Ministry in Kerala
Pray for:- Grace Christian Church Ministry -In Odisha, Bihar , West Bengal
Pray for:- Protection during Evangelism activities
Pray for:- Fund for land and Church Building – $15,000.00 for land and church Building
Pray for:- Grace Christian Bible College – Teachers and students
Pray for:- Training Centers
Pray for:- Fund for Bible college Building
Pray for:- a vehicle (van) for the Mission.
Here are the few ways that you can partner with Grace Christian Ministry
Continuous prayers
Give Consistently with any amount to support pastors/ Bible students/poor/orphan children
Give an exra Gift – You may be helping us faithfuly and we are grateful for the same. As you lead by our God, give us an extra gift.
Grace Christian Bible college programs are being carried out online. We are praying and planning to start our Bible College at our campus in the immediate future.
We give one year training to young men and women in their own regional language and sending them to their own particular village to start ministry and eventualy esabilish a church. Since they belong to that particular village, they may face limitted problem and more access to the people of their own community. Need prayers and support.
The past many months have been a difficult time for people across the globe. Fear and anxiety have gripped every level of society; loneliness, isolation, and distrust are becoming increasingly prevalent.
Yet, in the midst of this satanic chaos, may we be continually reminded of one reality: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes, even forever (Heb. 13:8). Though the world surrounding us may change its passions, the God whom we serve is unchangeable, immovable, and sovereignly reigning and ruling over all persons, events, and circumstances. Thus, we need not and should not turn to the world for peace, rest, joy, or certainty. Much rather, we place our full assurance and trust in the Rock of our salvation, our mighty fortress, our unfailing one who spoke a striking statement 2,000 years ago: Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14:27).
Despite whatever pressing or disturbing external circumstances we may be enduring, I want we all to know that we are blessed beyond measure. We know the Saviour of this world! We know that the seen things of this world are temporary and fleeting while the unseen things are eternal (cf. 2 Cor. 4:17-18).
Still, we must ask one question: are we all willing to become a blessing to others? To be clear, I am fully persuaded that the world is dark, perverse, and crooked in many ways. But it is also filled with souls who are hurting, seeking, and longing for something beyond the superficiality, temporality, and vanity they experience every day. We know the good news; they are waiting to hear it! Remember, we have to answer God’s call upon our life and enhance our ministerial training in whatever sphere this calling entails: preaching the gospel, teaching the Scriptures to seeking believers, counselling broken hearts using both the Spirit and the Word, or leading others to worship the God of this universe through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. The world needs this, our family needs this, our friends, neighbours, colleagues, and strangers on the street — they all need this.
Though COVID-19 is controlled to some extent in many developed countries around the globe, in India there is much to be concerned about. A second wave of new versions of Covid is spreading in India and it is beyond control. You may have seen some information through different media, but in reality the situation is far beyond what we imagined.
Amid the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, India has witnessed a massive surge of cases in the past 3 weeks. Apart from the nationwide lockdown, India has increased its testing rate and has markedly strengthened the health care sector to combat COVID-19 but the severe spread persists.
With India’s population of more than 1.3 billion people with has a significant population density compared with the rest of the world. The lack of universal access to clean water and overall poor socioeconomic status, all have posed a major challenge to India’s fight against COVID-19. The spread of the pandemic has made India a COVID-19 hotspot; hence the World Health Organization has recently stated that the “future of the pandemic will depend on how India handles it.”
The COVID-19 outbreak in India continues to unfold, with record-breaking daily case numbers, oxygen for ventilators running scarce, and a transmission rate that points to things getting worse before they get better.
Last week, 1,967,406 people are so far affected in Kerala by the novel COVID19 coronavirus. The state recorded its highest single-day rise of 41,953 new cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday, May 5.
Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan cautioned that the state is facing a very serious situation as COVID19 is spreading rapidly. Amid the rise in COVID19 cases, Kerala has imposed a lockdown in the state beginning May 8. The entire State of Kerala will be under lockdown from 8 May to 16 May. This lock down may be extended until the end of this month. The situation is dire. No public hospital beds or oxygen is available. In any case, the poor people aren’t able to get treatments in the private hospitals since it is highly expensive.
People who lose family members are often faced with having to quickly bury or burn the bodies of those who are deceased without the opportunity for a proper funeral.
Churches are closed. No public gatherings are allowed. Poor people/daily workers are really facing difficulties and seeking help to buy food and medicine.
Help for buy food and medicine and other sanitary items.
Support our pastors and believers to buy food and medicine.
Prayer needs
Pray for our Pastors and Believers those who are in the Hospital especially for people those who are seriously ill.
God is moving in the midst of all the challenges. Our brother who was on the ventilator is better now and God heard our prayers.
In this time of social distancing, we want to stay connected and keep you informed with what’s happening in our ministry and with our Christians in India.
Thank you for your unswerving partnership with the ministry of GCM through prayer and faithful financial support. People here in India are being blessed and strengthened because of you.
In Exodus 17, we see something amazing happen in the life of Moses and the Israelites. As the Israelites are wandering in the desert, they meet opposition from the Amalekites and soon Moses sends Joshua to lead troops into battle. Moses, along with Aaron and Hur, watched he battle from a hill nearby and as Exodus 17:11 reads, “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.” The statement, “held up his hands” refers to a position of prayer, and when Moses prayed, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he stopped praying, the Israelites were losing. This verse shows the importance of prayer, because the victory of the battle was dependent on Moses praying. And when Moses became weary, in order to assure victory over their foe, Aaron and Hur were there to support Moses until the victory was won.
The Amalekites were unexpected and seemed as persistent as the COVID-19 virus that is among us, however, through prayer and the support, the enemy was defeated and will. May all of us be strengthened, and may this current enemy be defeated around the world through the help of your/our prayers.
Around the world, many are most likely getting weary. Around the world, people need to be supported through our prayers and now more possibly than ever people. Need your help and r prayers to defeat this persistent foe. Kindly help the Christians in India those are persecuted to “hold up their hands”.
Right now, the coronavirus pandemic is pushing thousands of Christians in India to the edge of survival. Many of these believers are day labourers and they’re completely cut off from their income source. And in some regions, they’re not getting the government aid they deserve because they’re Christians. For many Christians, it means a fight for life. Be a partner and it’s the best way to make sure Christians always have the vital help they so desperately need. Right now, the need is greater than ever, and you can make a life-changing difference for your Christian family with a monthly gift/one time gift to buy food at this time of pandemic.
When you be a Partner, your support will meet urgent needs like emergency aid and food relief kits—and beyond that, your monthly gift will help provide long-term support, biblical training , so the church doesn’t just survive, but thrives. This crisis will not be over quickly. Lockdown continues and the Christian family’s needs you. I already know you have a heart for suffering Christian Family —that’s why I’m asking. Will you take a step on to the frontlines to let our brothers and sisters know that there are people standing with them during this unprecedented time in history.
Like people all over the world, the people in India are dealing with restrictions put in place to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Travel is restricted to walking. No trains, taxis, even bicycles. People aren’t allowed to work, and churches aren’t allowed to meet. The biggest issue, besides avoiding the virus, is getting food to families who have no income or savings. GCM is doing its best to help distribute food to people in need. However, the need is quickly overwhelming resources. Thank you for your prayers and any help you may provide. Please feel free to contact us at info@gracechristianministry.org if you can help.
We are excited to report that 2018 was an amazing year of mission and ministry for GCM. We would like to say thanks to all our partners and friends who have contributed to our ministerial output for this year, 2019. You are a blessing to the Ministry of GCM. Please know that we are thankful for you and your partnership to bring help and hope, in in the name of Christ, to many in India. God is doing amazing thing through GCM partners and you are helping those things happens through your faithful prayers. Your gift help us change lives, restore relationship, and transform communities for Jesus Christ.
Your continuous partnership makes this ministry possible. Your faithful and consistent monthly support and fervent prayers make you a champion of hope. Grace Christian Ministry makes use of every avenue available to present the hope in Jesus Christ to the people of India. We know this hope and transforming power of the Gospel that makes an eternal difference in people’s life.
Church Planting Ministry
We established churches in Kerala, Odisha and Bihar. There are many coming to experience a personal relationship with Christ through GCM ministry. With this being so, it is our responsibility to encourage and challenge persons in their walk with Christ to take the next step in their Christian journeys and we are doing so through different programs. However GCM is compelled to limit the ministry mainly due to the financial crisis and we could not give the support to our pastors for the last few months. The present religious/political situation are also not favorable to reach peoples with the Gospel of our Lord, as before. But we are committed to reach people with His Gospel at any cost and we seek your prayers.
WorshippersBelievers gathering for Bible training
New Believers!
Bible Education Ministry.
We have one regular Bible College and 5 training Centers in Kerala and another one in Bihar. The Bihar training center will reopen, if God will in the month of August. More than 70 young people are studying and equipping themselves for their future Ministry. We are praying for a building for our Bible College and Pathanapuram church.
Children’s Ministry
GCM had orphanages in Kerala and Bihar. Recent political and religious situations in India have limited the work of Christian organizations, especially the work among the children. Hundreds of orphanages were closed in India and in Kerala due to recent rules imposed by the government. The licenses of many Christian organizations have been canceled. According to the new rules, we needs buildings with special requirements and facilities. Our orphanages also have closed due to this reason and due to the lack of funding. But we still have children sponsored programs in limited ways.
1. Supplying Education materials to the poor students every year when school opens (Books, school bags, umbrella, uniforms pen and pencil etc) and continuous follow up for a few children.
2. We conduct children’s camp during vacations
3. Vacation Bible School
4. Motivational seminar
Children’s Ministry in West Bengal – Need sponsors.
Pastor Ton May and his family are friends of mine and they are faithfully serving the Lord the Lord in West Bengal. They are mainly working among tribal orphan and poor children. They provide food and education. They have been associated with GCM ministry for last 2 years and are waiting for our support. GCM could not support them financially so far and we seek sponsors for this ministry. If you are moved with spirit to support this ministry, kindly contact us for the details.