August 2019 Update

We are excited to report that 2018 was an amazing year of mission and ministry for GCM. We would like to say thanks to all our partners and friends who have contributed to our ministerial output for this year, 2019. You are a blessing to the Ministry of GCM. Please know that we are thankful for you and your partnership to bring help and hope, in in the name of Christ, to many in India. God is doing amazing thing through GCM partners and you are helping those things happens through your faithful prayers. Your gift help us change lives, restore relationship, and transform communities for Jesus Christ.

Your continuous partnership makes this ministry possible. Your faithful and consistent monthly support and fervent prayers make you a champion of hope. Grace Christian Ministry makes use of every avenue available to present the hope in Jesus Christ to the people of India.  We know this hope and transforming power of the Gospel that makes an eternal difference in people’s life. 

Church Planting Ministry 

We established churches in Kerala, Odisha and Bihar. There are many coming to experience a personal relationship with Christ through GCM ministry. With this being so, it is our responsibility to encourage and challenge persons in their walk with Christ to take the next step in their Christian journeys and we are doing so through different programs. However GCM is compelled to limit the ministry mainly due to the financial crisis and we could not give the support to our pastors for the last few months. The present religious/political situation are also not favorable to reach peoples with the Gospel of our Lord, as before. But we are committed to reach people with His Gospel at any cost and we seek your prayers. 

Believers gathering for Bible training

Bible Education Ministry. 

We have one regular Bible College and 5 training Centers in Kerala and another one in Bihar. The Bihar training center will reopen, if God will in the month of August.  More than 70 young people are studying and equipping themselves for their future Ministry. We are praying for a building for our Bible College and Pathanapuram church. 

Children’s Ministry 

GCM had orphanages in Kerala and Bihar. Recent political and religious situations in India have limited the work of Christian organizations, especially the work among the children. Hundreds of orphanages were closed in India and in Kerala due to recent rules imposed by the government. The licenses of many Christian organizations have been canceled. According to the new rules, we needs buildings with special requirements and facilities. Our orphanages also have closed due to this reason and due to the lack of funding. But we still have children sponsored programs in limited ways.

1. Supplying Education materials to the poor students every year when school opens    (Books, school bags, umbrella, uniforms pen and pencil etc) and continuous follow up for a few children. 

2. We conduct children’s camp during vacations

3. Vacation Bible School 

4. Motivational seminar 

Children’s Ministry in West Bengal – Need sponsors. 

Pastor Ton May and his family are friends of mine and they are faithfully serving the Lord the Lord in West Bengal. They are mainly working among tribal orphan and poor children. They provide food and education. They have been associated with GCM ministry for last 2 years and are waiting for our support. GCM could not support them financially so far and we seek sponsors for this ministry.  If you are moved with spirit to support this ministry, kindly contact us for the details.