Ministry News Letter- April 18, 2024
We are grateful for what God has done through GCM in India for last many years
Our hearts are full of gratitude for you who pray steadfastly for us and supported faithfully! The Lord has helped us. Despite all the loss and hardships, our ministry is running and developing. God has blessed us in the work of the Kingdom.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
His Blessings
Babu and Mercy Samuel

2Corinthians 5:20
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God”
Grace Christian Church – Conference
We had our Church conference from April 4th to 7th 2024. It was a great blessing! Hundreds heard the Gospel in our evening public conventions.

On April 5th we had our Christian women fellowship meeting in the morning Session and we had our Christian Youth fellowship meeting in the afternoon session.

On April 6th we had our Graduation ceremony and 34 students graduated. Our Conference concluded on Sunday with our worship Service. All believers from our all churches of Kerala and was a time of blessing. Six people were baptized on Sunday morning.

Ministries We’re Accomplishing
* A Journey to extend Gods Kingdom
* Church Planting and House Churches
*Literature Distribution and helping people to reach Gospel
* Women’s Empowerment work
* Impact on youth through youth Meetings.
*Impact on Children through Sunday school and extending help in their school Education.
*Welfare work among poor and marginalized /orphans and making them identify the Gospel of God.
* Bible Training College and centers through which young people were trained and equipped for Evangelization of our unreached villages.