“For the Lord is good; His Mercy and loving-kindness are everlasting.
His faithfulness and truth endure to all generations.”(Psalm 100:5)
Grace Christian Ministry is going forward in its program of preaching Gospel and spreading the Love of Jesus Christ in India through all possible means.
GCM promotes and preaches the Gospel to the people in Kerala, Bihar, Odisha and West Bengal through benevolent helps, church planting, orphanage and Bible training College/institutions and supporting local pastors. Since the establishment of this ministry, GCM has been blessed to establish 6 churches in West Bengal, 3 churches in Bihar, 17 churches in Odisha and 21 churches in Kerala. Thousands of people have heard gospel through this mission. Our goal is to establish 100 Churches by 2030 in the remote villages of India where there are no churches.
In addition to church planting, GCM also has a Bible College where students are allowed to attend tuition free. There are Bible training centres where people are able to learn theology and to simply study the Bible. Grace Christian College is the answer to long prayers to meet the growing demands for trained preachers and teachers for this ministry. Grace Christian College was created to prepare Christian workers to help spread New Testament Christianity throughout India.
We have a growing children’s ministry (Sunday school and help poor children in their education) and women’s ministry, as well as outreach ministries which include tract distribution, hospital visitation and conventions.
We Here with extent our love and thanks to all our friends and supporters for your valuable prayers and faithful and continuous support. What we have achieved so far for the kingdom of God is all because of your love, prayers and support. We humbly seek your wholehearted support to reach the unreached with the LOVE of our lord Jesus Christ. God continues changing lives of many through Grace Christian Ministry and we seek your prayers
Babu and Mercy Samuel
GRACE CHRISTIAN CHURCH – General Convention April 2023
After few years of gap due to Covid, we are blessed to have our 19th General convention (2023 April 6th to 9th Sunday.) More than 500 people attended the conference each day. We also had pastors meeting during day time, Children and youth meeting (Christian Youth Fellowship) and woman’s meeting (Christian women Fellowship).

The convention includes sessions for youth/children and for women.

The Pastors of Grace Christian Ministry

There were baptisms at the Convention!

Pastor Sunil Thomas released a New Music Album!

We honored two of our pastors for their many years of service.

Grace Christian Bible college programs were being offered online due to Covid for last 3 years. We are praying and planning to start our Bible College at our rented campus in the first week of May 2023.

We offer one year training to young men and women in their own regional language and sending them to their own particular village to start ministry and eventualy establish a church. Since they belong to that particular village, they may face fewer problems and have more access to the people of their own community. They need prayers and support.
Pastor Aju Naik, a graduate of our college is in charge of the Odisha Ministry. They gather in houses as a small group. Pastor Karukumar and Family and Pastor Sasikant and family are leaders of the Bihar Ministry.
God continues changing lives of many through Grace Christian Ministry and we seek your prayers
Pray for:-
Pray for:- Grace Christian Church Ministry in Kerala
Pray for:- Grace Christian Church Ministry -In Odisha, Bihar , West Bengal
Pray for:- Protection during Evangelism activities
Pray for:- Fund for land and Church Building – $15,000.00 for land and church Building
Pray for:- Grace Christian Bible College – Teachers and students ,$ 25 for one student
Pray for:- Training Centers
Pray for:- Fund for the Bible college Building
Pray for:- a vehicle (van) for the Mission.
Here are the few ways that you can partner with Grace Christian Ministry
*Continious prayers
*Give One time Gift for vehicle/Church and Bible college/orphanage building.
*Give Consistently with any amount to support pastors/ Bible students/poor/orphan children
*Give an exra Gift – You may be helping us faithfuly and we are grateful for the same. As you lead by our God, give us an extra gift.
Babu and Mercy Samuel, Grace Christian Ministry